Have a good experience man, good luck!
CU Boulder
Joined on 1/17/09
Have a good experience man, good luck!
Thank you dude.
JESUS CHRIST... what a beautiful picture. It's like a fucking POSTCARD, no joke. Enjoy it, you've earned it and good luck to you!
Thanks a ton man, I appreciate it.
No doubt, homie. It feels GOOD to get somewhere like this, especially when yer academics have earned it. Wish Idve gone.... Shit wish Idve finished high school too. I had HONORS, a fucking 3.8 GPA, Yale was even considering a scholarship. Missed 11 days and you could only miss 10, meaning NONE of the semester counted. Was a punk ass 17 year old know it all, so I dropped out out of spite. Its still my #1 regret.
I hear what you're saying man. My best friend from high school was going to graduate with me last december, which is a semester early for our class, and he ended up getting expelled 4 fucking days before we graduated. Now instead of going to college, he's got a GED and probation. It's kind of ridicules how they can ruin your entire life for one thing when you're 17.
shit bro... at least he can say THEY... I have to say I. :-(
I'm so jealous!
I'm doing a crap course in a crap college :(
well, I'm taking accounting and microeconomics right now at a crap college, so you don't have to be jealous until january.
That image looks kick-ass, bro.
Thanks man.
I'll finish the rest later.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
congrats, hope you have a good time
thanks man.