

CU Boulder


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Going to UCCS.

Posted by TheSongSalad - August 8th, 2010

So I'm going to be going to The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in the Spring. This fall I'll actually be attending my local community college, but after that, I'm transferring. I'm hoping to pursue a degree in game design and development. I almost shat myself when I found out a school offered such a program in my state. I had briefly considered Full Sail and UAT when I was leaving high school, but dismissed them due to cost.

It feels strange to be going to a university to study making games. I love my life. Also, Link to the program's page. For some reason the url opens the page halfway down, so you have to scroll up to see the top of the page.

Going to UCCS.


congrats, hope you have a good time

thanks man.

Have a good experience man, good luck!

Thank you dude.

JESUS CHRIST... what a beautiful picture. It's like a fucking POSTCARD, no joke. Enjoy it, you've earned it and good luck to you!

Thanks a ton man, I appreciate it.

No doubt, homie. It feels GOOD to get somewhere like this, especially when yer academics have earned it. Wish Idve gone.... Shit wish Idve finished high school too. I had HONORS, a fucking 3.8 GPA, Yale was even considering a scholarship. Missed 11 days and you could only miss 10, meaning NONE of the semester counted. Was a punk ass 17 year old know it all, so I dropped out out of spite. Its still my #1 regret.

I hear what you're saying man. My best friend from high school was going to graduate with me last december, which is a semester early for our class, and he ended up getting expelled 4 fucking days before we graduated. Now instead of going to college, he's got a GED and probation. It's kind of ridicules how they can ruin your entire life for one thing when you're 17.

shit bro... at least he can say THEY... I have to say I. :-(

I'm so jealous!

I'm doing a crap course in a crap college :(

well, I'm taking accounting and microeconomics right now at a crap college, so you don't have to be jealous until january.

That image looks kick-ass, bro.

Thanks man.

I'll finish the rest later.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.