i like the idea...
i like the idea of a Hitchiker's flash, as they're great books, but actually make it into a flash, not just small movement of snowflakes. gold luck though.
i like the idea...
i like the idea of a Hitchiker's flash, as they're great books, but actually make it into a flash, not just small movement of snowflakes. gold luck though.
great books indeed
keep trying.
sorry, but this was really a poor excuse for a flash. the idea is there, but the execution is not. keep trying and working on it and you can get it though. good luck.
Say what?
Duuude! THis is TEH SHEET! How could you say something such as that?
i don't think rabioso is spanish for rabid. reloj is clock in spanish so i figured you mean the whole title to be in spanish...
The internet says it is, so I'll just stick with "rabioso" until I see a better word.
very amusing.
pretty funny man, it was interesting and got amusing to watch. not great looking or anything, but it looks as nice as a blob walking around can. good job.
CU Boulder
Joined on 1/17/09