~Review Request Club~
Well man, this is a great example of conflict for me. The RPG was entirely well built, and the graphics were actually better than they first appeared. The biggest problem with the submission was that it didn't do anything new. Others have done the same basic concept before, and your game really didn't develop too far beyond this concept.
I thought that the game was very well programmed. It's clear you spent a lot of time working on this, and also a lot of time testing for bugs, as I found not one bug. The battle system worked flawlessly, and I never saw anything out of place or got incorrect stats or inventory. My only issue that even sort of falls into this department is what Fro said. I really wish there was a confirmation screen before you switched your guys out. I actually did this twice when I meant not to, but fortunately, it wasn't too big of a game killer. This issue isn't even really a programming issue, more just something that should have come up during play testing, and I understand that it didn't. It's not really a bug at all.
The art at first seemed very average, and there was very little animation during fights and anywhere else in the game for that matter. The art actually was better than I thought; at points, it looked below average for a submission of this caliber, but at others (particularly in the town) it looked well done. The biggest issue with the art is that sometimes the animation looked a little funky. A little more work in making sure things flowed together a little better, and there should have been more variety in the attack animations. Still, this was more of a plus than a minus for the game.
Overall, the game had so, so much potential. Everything was professionally done, like how you included quite a variety of sounds, but managed to keep the file size very low. A little more time spent in the art department, and a little more time spent in the design phase thinking of something new to do with the genre would make this game one of the best on Newgrounds. I do some flash games, so I know how hard making a full, working RPG is, and that alone is an accomplishment. I'd love to see a sequel that addresses the issues the game has, because this is close, very close. Besides, now that you have a full engine working, the sequel will take almost no time at all ;). Good luck guys, this is so close to being front page material.
~Review Request Club~